Selasa, 31 Mei 2011

PS2 Xenosaga Episode III: Also Sprach Zarathustra Cheats

Unlock the Swimsuit mode option:
Finish the game once, then go to the "Memory Code" event viewer to
access to the Swimsuit mode option.

Extra costumes:
Finish the game then save the cleared game. Load the cleared save
file to access to the Chaos Flawless and Allen Swimsuit outfits.

Unlock Vector costume for Shion:
Have a completed saved game file from Xenosaga Episode 2 on your
memory card. Load Xenosaga Episode 2 saved game when starting a
new Xenosaga Episode 3 game to unlock new costume.

The Business District Gate code:
Go to the right as far as possible on Miltia's map (when you are
able to move around). You should find a treasure chest on
top of a building. To open the chest, enter "5150" as a code.

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