Selasa, 31 Mei 2011

1 Comentar:

Magnesium is a micronutrient found in bones, tissues and organs.
High blood pressure, most commonly known as 'the silent killer', has
been considered as one of the primary risk issues related with stroke, kidney failures, and heart attacks while it has
no visible restricted symptoms. To learn about the full range of medicines available
to treat dangerous levels of your blood pressure, talk to your health care
practitioner. If you are already taking maintenance medications
for your BP, do not stop taking them and do not change them without your doctor's advice.
Since that time, I've advised dozens of women with hypertension to see if they can get a B12
shot from their physician, and failing that, start taking B12 in sublingual (under tongue) or nasal preparation.

Visit my web blog; Symptoms of High Blood Pressure

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