Selasa, 31 Mei 2011

PS2 Yu-Gi-Oh! Capsule Monster Coliseum Cheats

Defeating Tristan:
To beat Tristan, get or buy fire, wood and thunder.

Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon = 3x Blue Eyes White Dragons (level 2)
Cyber Saurus = Blast Juggler (level 5) + Two-Headed King Rex (level 4)
Darkfire Dragon = Firegrass + Petit Dragon (level 5)
Flame Swordsman = Flame Manipulator + Masaki the Legendary Swordsman
(level 4)
Flying Penguin = Penguin Soldier + Penguin Knight level 2
Gate Guardian = Sanga + Suijin + Kazejin (level 3)
Harpie Lady Sisters = 3x Harpie Ladies (level 3)
Kaminari Attack = Ocubeam + Mega Thundeball (level 5)
Kwagar Hercules = Hercules Beetle + Kuwagata Alpha (level 3)
Metal Dragon = Lesser Dragon (level 3) + Steel Ogre Grotto #1 (level 3)
Metal Zoa = Zoa (level 2) + Steel Scorpion (level 3)
Millennium Golem = Destroyer Golem + The Statue of Easter Island (level 5)
Rabid Horseman = Battle Ox + Mystic Horseman (level 3)
Summoned Lord Exodia = R. and L. Arms + R and L legs + Exodia The Forbidden
One (all level 2)
Thousand Dragon = Time Wizard (level 3) + Baby Dragon (level 5)
Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon = 2x Thunder Dragons (level 4)

Electric Snake: Get Electric Lizard to level 6.
Fireyarou: Get Flame Manipulator to level 3.
Great Moth: Place a level 3 Larvae Moth in a Square that has 30 Wood.
High Tide Gyojin: Place a level 6 Root Water in a Square that has 50 Water.
Hunter Spider: Get Kumootoku to level 4.
Hysoube: Place a level 6 Psychic Kappa in a Square that has 50 Water.
Larvae Moth: Place a level 3 Petit Moth in a Square that has 30 Wood.
Magician of Black Caos: Place a level 4 Dark Magician in a Square with 40 Dark.
Magicians Valkyrie: Place a level 4 LaMoon in a square with 50 light.
Manga Ryu-Ran: Get Ryu-Ran to level 2.
Mon-Larvas: Get Larvas up to level 4.
Penguin Knight: Place a level 3 Penguin Soldier in a Square that has 40 Water.
Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth: Place a level 3 Great Moth in a Square that has
40 Wood.
Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon: Place a level 4 Red-Eyes Black Dragon in a square
with 60 Dark.
Ryu-Kishin Powered: Get Ryu-Kishin up to level 5.
Shining FriendShip: Get Petit Angel up to level 5.
Stone Ghost: Place a level 5 Haniwa in a Square that has 40 Earth.
Trent: Get Anchient Tree of Enlightenment to level 3.

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